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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Eye Care Plus v1.5.0 Apk Download

More than 15 Eye and Vision Trainings, grouped into Warm-Up, Basic training, Relaxation training and Complex training. This section is aimed at improving eyesight by relaxing your eye muscles, making them stronger, improving blood circulation and reducing fatigue. The Timed Complex Training is aimed at doing the complex training in sets of exercises- 5, 7 and 10 minutes long.

We recommend to set up a training schedule at least for working days and give several minutes to your eye training.

Eye Guide provides the most useful and important information for your eye health. Nutrition tips will help to organize your diet. Daily Tips will help to care for your eyes better every day. First Aid will provide all necessary information to know what to do during eye emergencies and the anatomy will let you know your eye structure better. In our Recipe section you can find directions for cooking dishes that are good for your eyes, and in the "Ask the Doctor" section you can receive answers to any eye-related question.


- Warm-up training;
- Basic Training;
- Relaxation training;
- Complex Training;
- Timed Training (5 min., 7 min., 10 min.);
- Random test charts to eliminate boring and repeating experiences;
- Voice controls to help you navigate easier;
- Smooth and intuitive interface with animations;
- Snellen chart;
- LogMAR chart;
- Golovin–Sivtsev table;
- Landolt C known also as Japanese Vision Test;
- Tumbling E chart;
- Nutrition tips;
- Daily Eye Care tips;
- Healthy Eye Care recipes;
- Ask The Doctor Section;
- First Aid tips;
- Eye Anatomy;
- Quick Access Home Screen Widget;
- Daily Tips Home Screen Widget.



SIZE: 9.0 MB

INSTALLS: 100,000 - 500,000


CONTENT RATING: Medium Maturity

READ MORE/DOWNLOAD@: play.google.com/store



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