Tuesday, 6 January 2015

B1 Archiver zip rar unzip v0.9.3 Apk Download

B1 Free Archiver is an application to unzip and unrar archives and extract original set of files. B1 can open zip, rar, b1, as well as 34 other formats, open password-protected zip, rar and 7z, Browse files inside archives without actual extractionm Partial extract - extract only selected files, not the whole archive, Create password-protected zip and b1 archives and much more...


SIZE: 5.75 MB

INSTALLS: 1,000,000 - 5,000,000



READ MORE/DOWNLOAD@: play.google.com/store


Main features:

* open zip files (unzip), open rar files (unrar)
* open 7z, apk, a, ar, arj, bz2, bzip2, cab, deb, gz, gzip, jar, iso, lha, lzh, lzma, mtz, rpm,
tar, tar.bz2, tbz, tbz2, tar.gz, tgz, tpz, taz, tar.lzma, tar.xz, tar.Z, xap, xar, xz, Z, zipx
* open password-protected zip, rar and 7z
* browse files inside archives without actual extraction
* partial extract - extract only selected files, not the whole archive
* support for zip with non-Latin symbols
* open multi-part (splitted) rar and b1 archives (part0001, z01, 001, part01)
* compress files into zip archive
* compress files into b1 with smart compression
* create password-protected zip and b1 archives
* progress in notification area and work in background mode
* file navigation, copy/paste, delete/rename, file properties
* multi-selection of files and folders
* favorite folders
* hiding files from media scan
* and much more...
*** Our road-map for future versions:
* better support for encrypted and splitted zip and rar archives
* usability improvements
* both extraction and compression speed improvements
* optimization for tablets

If you'd like to suggest another feature please do not hesitate to contact us at support@b1.org





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