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    Sunday, 3 January 2016

    Android App That Tells What Baby's Cries Actually Mean


    This may be a good news for those parents who can't always make a sense of baby's cries. A group of researchers has developed an app  that can tell what baby's cries actually means. The app named Infant Cries Translator app developed at the National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin.

    "The Infant Cries Translator can differentiate four different statuses of sounds of baby crying, including hunger, the diaper getting wet, sleepy and pain," one of the head researchers, Chang Chuan-yu, was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail.

    The user needs to do push the recording button for 10 seconds when baby cries, and the sounds will be uploaded to the Cloud Drive. This uploaded sound will analysed with collected 200,000 crying sounds from 100 newborn babies in database and in just 15 seconds and sends the results to the user's mobile phone.


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