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    Wednesday, 23 September 2015


    This reader is designed to make reading more comfortable. It boasts a pleasant and nimble interface, support for many formats (fb2, txt, epub, html, doc, docx, rtf, mobi, etc.) And work with archives ZIP, GZ, also provided TTS. Making the application is that you can not just read a book, but to truly enjoy the process, because the reader correctly hyphenate, displays letters, has beautiful animation scrolling and several built-in themes. There are creating bookmarks quotes, if necessary, marking text. Parts of the readers will like the ability to connect dictionaries. .


    Program is designed for reading fiction book.
    - Book reader compatible with Android 1.6+
    - read formats: fb2, fbz, txt, epub (no DRM), html, doc, docx, odt, rtf, mobi (no DRM), prc (PalmDoc), tcr. Supported ZIP and GZ archives.
    - It is possible to specify an encoding of reading file (include 932, 936, 949, 950 code page).
    - Support Text-To-Speech (TTS) (permission to the calls need to stop tts while calling)
    - Support network libraries (OPDS)
    - Local library. The selection of authors, series, title, publication year, genre.
    - Supported interface languages: russian, english, german, greek, ukrainian, belarusian, polish, chineze, bulgarian, turkish.
    - Supported external dictionaries.
    - Fb2 and TXT file editing. If a file is in an archive, edited file is unpacked to the same directory as the original one.
    - It is possible to select code page for file names in zip.
    - Correct hyphenation for 20 languages.
    - Four profiles with independent font, color, brightness, gamma correction and indent of text.
    - One- and two-page mode with automatic switch to the two-page mode in landscape.
    - Configuring of display styles (headings, citations, abstracts, etc.). Each style includes font, color, text style, text size, shadow, indent, spacing and so on.

    Version   1.67  -  Updated  11 July 2015
    Added a new auto-scroll - "Per Page"


    REQUIRES ANDROID:    1.6 and up

    SIZE:     6.0  MB

    INSTALLS:     1,000,000 - 5,000,000

    CURRENT VERSION:    1.67 

    CONTENT RATING:    Rated for 3+ 


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