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    Thursday, 30 April 2015


    SMS Backup & Restore is a simple Android app that backs up and restores your phone's text messages.

    On Android 4.4+ devices, if you have performed the Restore and the messages don't appear in your messaging app then:
    - Open your messaging app and Disable SMS from Settings.
    - Exit the app
    - Open the app again and Enable SMS from Settings.

    - Backup SMS Messages in XML format.
    - Backup created locally on the device with options to automatically upload to Email, Google Drive or DropBox using the Add-On app.
    - Choose a scheduled time to automatically backup.
    - Backup format is independent of the Android version so the messages can be easily moved from one phone to another, irrespective of the Android version.
    - Option to select which conversations to backup.
    - View/Restore all Messages or only selected conversations.
    - Delete all SMS Messages on the Phone.
    - Email a backup file.
    - The XML can then be converted to other formats, and can also be viewed on a computer.
    - Tested on Android v1.5 to v5.0
    This app is ad-supported and requires the Internet permissions to display the Ads.
    If you do not want ads the they can be disabled from preferences or you can buy the paid version from the Market.

    On newer phones with inbuilt storage the default backup location will probably be the internal storage card and not the external.

    This is because the phone reports the storage that way.
    If you intend to do a factory reset on the phone, please make sure you save/email a copy of the backup outside the phone before doing it.

    NOTE: The backup is created locally on the phone by default unless you configure it to upload to Email, Google Drive or Dropbox. You are responsible for backup files and the files are not sent to the developer in any case.

    Version 7.41  -   Updated April 24, 2015
    External SD Card support for Lollipop (Android 5.0+) devices
    Added Ukrainian translations thanks to Євген Гіль


    REQUIRES ANDROID: 1.5 and up

    SIZE: 2.37 MB

    INSTALLS: 10,000 - 50,000


    CONTENT RATING: Everyone


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