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    Friday, 27 March 2015

    Survivalcraft v1.27.2.0 Apk Download

    You are marooned on the shores of an infinite blocky world. Explore, mine resources, craft tools and weapons, make traps and grow plants. Tailor clothes and hunt animals for food and resources. Build a shelter to survive cold nights and share your worlds online. Ride horses, camels or donkeys and herd cattle to protect them from predators. Blast your way through the rock with explosives. Build complex electric devices. Possibilities are infinite in this long-running sandbox survival and construction game series.

    This is the twenty eighth release of Survivalcraft, and it adds plenty of new clothing, including long johns, socks, fedoras and sandals. Easy to craft campfires will help you stay warm and keep predators away during the night. Docile moose roam the land. All game code has been ported to a completely new engine and there is a proper physics-based water transparency with murky depths better hiding their secrets. You now have 6 inventory slots, and creative inventory has been completely overhauled, giving you instant access to over 300 items of clothing. Chests will automatically collect items thrown at them, and you can summon explosive lightning in creative mode!

    Survivalcraft brings features you love in the PC version of Minecraft to your mobile device: infinite worlds, caves, logic elements (electricity), weather, boats, ridable animals, explosions, clothes, armor and many more. It does so while maintaining its own realistic, survival-themed style.



    REQUIRES ANDROID: 2.3.3 and up

    SIZE: 15 MB

    INSTALLS: 500,000 - 1,000,000


    CONTENT RATING: Low Maturity


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