WhatsApp has become one of the most popular communication tools on the planet. But if you get a new phone, and want to transfer your account to a new device, your old messages don't automatically come with you. Here we show you a short method to transfer WhatsApp conversations to a new device.
It's quite easy to do, just follow these steps :
- Create a backup of your chat history on your old phone. To do this you open the settings menu of WhatsApp, tap on "Chat settings" and then tap "Backup conversations"
- Connect your smartphone via USB cable to the PC and navigate to the internal memory of the device to the folder "WhatsApp / Databases". Here are all the backup files saved with a date. They will look something like "msgstore-2013-05-29.db.crypt". Copy the file with the latest date of creation (it will have a different name compared to the automatic backups created, mine is "msgstore.db.crypt8") onto your PC in an easy to find location (like your desktop).
- Install WhatsApp on your new device but do not start the app!
- Connect your new device via USB to the PC. Because you've already downloaded WhatsApp onto your new handset, the folder "WhatsApp / Databases" should now exist. If not, you can manually create a new "Databases" folder in the "WhatsApp" folder yourself.
- Copy your WhatsApp conversation backup file into this folder.
Now start WhatsApp on your new phone and verify your phone number. You should now get a notification that a message backup was found. Just tap "Restore", and you're done. After a few seconds, all of your messages should have safely returned.

Tips n Tricks