Thursday, 9 May 2013


The weather anywhere in the world!

PointWeather android apk


-Ability to display weather, not only by geographical coordinates (any point in the world), but also by airport code
-Analog clock with animated second hand;
-Support for themes (the list is regularly updated);
-Phases of the Moon (in the form of images)
-Sunrise \ sunset and the moon;
-The weather for 4 days;
-Present weather;
-The wind speed (km \ h miles \ h, m \ sec);
-Temperature (Celsius \ Fahrenheit);
-Supports most of the world's languages;
-Automatic update of weather on a schedule;
-The highest-\ The lowest temperature for the current and following 3 days;
-Large selection of date formats;
-24 Hours \ 12 hours (time format);
-Management of gestures;






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